September 2024
Small but Mighty: How Everyday Habits Add Up to More Manageable and Confident Teaching (ASCD) is out this month! Grab a copy everywhere books are sold. In the coming months, I’ll be sharing articles and podcasts that explain why brevity, less is more, and habit stacking are all useful perspectives for teachers.
October/November 2023
Things have been a little hectic lately as I simultaneously prepare for the release of Writing Their Future Selves while writing the first draft of my next book with ASCD. Keep an eye out for many upcoming podcasts, articles and events to celebrate the release of the book on 11/7!
If you have not yet preordered your copy of WTFS (yes, that is the acronym and I too find it funny), it is available wherever books are sold, including Barnes & Noble and Amazon.
Check out my page on events and engagements to learn more about local appearances, upcoming conference presentations and more!
May 2023
This month, I signed a contract with ASCD for my fourth book. This next endeavor is all about the tiny moves teachers make (details, really) that have a much larger influence on their students, on their practice, and even on their lives outside the classroom. This book will be full of actionable, practical tips from teachers. If you’d like to be a contributor, please fill out this form!
One of my happiest writing homes, Edutopia, has been publishing quite a few of my articles lately. Check out the latest under the “Articles” tab on this site.
In the coming months, expect podcast news as I discuss Lead Like a Teacher with some really fun people. And of course, stay tuned for updates about my November book release, Writing Their Future Selves.
With summer ahead, we’re all going to need more sunshine and relaxation. It’s been a long year! Here’s to educators everywhere, who do such important and inspiring work every day to ensure that kids grow.
April 2023
It’s been quite a month!
Lead Like a Teacher is out and already gathering attention from school leaders all over. Stay tuned for upcoming podcasts! To read an excerpt, check out these articles on Edutopia and Education World.
At the ASCD Annual Conference a few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to discuss the “empathy gap” between teachers and administrators. With notable exceptions, teachers and leaders often struggle to fully maximize one another’s expertise. The session provided participants with strategies for creating some positive change. To learn more, visit the “Resources” tab on this site!
Finally, in the wake of growing incidents of antisemitism in this country, I’ve been doing some writing that is geared toward helping teachers interrupt hatred in its tracks. Many thanks to Education Week and Edutopia for understanding the importance of publishing these pieces.
And finally…some very big publishing news will be announced in May. More to come!
March 2023
The release of Lead Like a Teacher is only a few weeks away. Have you pre-ordered your copy?
In other news, I recently revealed the cover of Writing Their Future Selves, also available for pre-order and due out in November. Check it out!

I hope to see many of you at the ASCD Annual Conference at the close of this month. I will be presenting on 4/2 on this topic: “Closing the Empathy Gap: Empowering Leaders to Elevate Micro School Outcomes by Incorporating a Teacher Perspective.”
With so much going on, I am still always thrilled to hear from fellow writers and educators. Drop me a line anytime through the contact form!
January 2023
Happy New Year!
In the months to come, at least one (and quite possibly two) of my books will hit bookstore shelves everywhere!
In the meantime, the student-centered principles in Teach More, Hover Less continue to gain traction. Read my recent interview with Mind/Shift KQED to learn more about how to spot “helicopter teaching” and become a “hover-free” teacher!
The coming months are already booking up with conference presentations, training sessions and professional learning. If you would like to explore working with me, visit the “Professional Development” tab on this site and fill out the linked form. For quick questions, you can also fill out the contact form.
It’s a new year filled with promise. Let’s hope for the continuous improvement of conditions for educators and students everywhere, and support one another through both challenge and joy. Here’s to 2023!
December 2022
I’m thrilled to announce that this coming spring, I will be at the 2023 ASCD Annual Conference to present a session entitled: “Closing the Empathy Gap: Empowering Leaders to Elevate Micro School Outcomes by Incorporating a Teacher Perspective.”

We are also getting ever closer to the release of Lead Like a Teacher on March 28th, 2023. Pre-order your copy today!
The NCTE 2022 conference was a big hit. Check out the “Resources” tab on the site to access the presentation and materials. Try them out in your schools, and as ever, touch base with questions or requests for professional development!
November 2022
Some VERY BIG news!!
Book #3 (title TBD) is now under contract with W.W. Norton and slated for release in late 2023. This next offering puts the focus back on classroom teaching, specifically with how teachers can empower students to feel a sense of academic identity and belonging that serves their needs in classrooms and beyond.
In other news, it’s conference season! After presenting at AMLE in the first week of November, I will be at NCTE in Anaheim, CA later this month to make a presentation and sign copies of Teach More, Hover Less. Hope to see you there!
June 2022
As always, there is a whole lot going on. Check out this preview excerpt from my 2023 release, Lead Like a Teacher (now available for pre-order here)!
My first book release (Teach More, Hover Less) is now available as a practical guide to student-centered learning! Learn more about it in this podcast, or in this interview with K-12 Dive!
If your school is interested in learning more, use the contact page to get in touch.
May 2022
It’s publication time!!!
Copies of Teach More, Hover Less are now available for order EVERYWHERE books are sold. Grab yours today!
April 2022
It’s finally here! Copies of Teach More, Hover Less are in my hands and they look beautiful. For a look at my unpacking party, check out Twitter!
In other exciting news, the first draft of Lead Like a Teacher (publication date 2023, W.W. Norton & Company) is complete! Just as fun, I’m finally going to Disneyland! I will be presenting a session at the 2022 NCTE conference in Anaheim, CA on my favorite topic: creative writing.
I’m taking a writing “reset” by foraying into fiction with a novel in the works. Having said that, the wheels are spinning for my next education book. Stay tuned…
March 2022
With a little over two months to publication day (learn more about my book here), there is plenty to write about when life in education is so unstable.
Also, check out my latest Op Ed from the Hechinger Report on why teachers are leaving the profession in droves. Hint: it’s not the pandemic!
As always, reach out if you want to talk about all things teaching or if your school or district is interested in collaborating on professional development. Happy (almost) spring!
February 2022
I’m continuing to interview teachers, teacher leaders and administrators for my next book, set for publication with W.W. Norton & Company in 2023. Please contact me if you are interested in providing your perspective!
Not a fan of censorship and book banning? Me, neither. Read my latest opinion piece from Education Week to see why teachers vehemently oppose censorship.
January 2022
While Teach More, Hover Less continues to be available via preorder before its May debut, I have just signed a book contract with W.W. Norton & Company for my second book, title TBA. This second book will focus on shifting our leadership structures in secondary education to more actively incorporate a teacher voice and perspective.
As always, I continue to publish smaller pieces. Check out my latest from Edutopia!
If you are interested in working with me or reviewing my book, please contact me. Happy 2022!